Sunday, October 7, 2012

Scotty’s Birth Story

October 27, 2011

  • We went in to be induced at 8 am at Northwest Woman’s Center in Marana AZ. I was a few days over my estimated due date and just wanted to meet you. I was tired of being pregnant, my back hurt, I had to pee all the time and I couldn't sleep. Dr. Dehasse agreed to induce you on 10-27-11 and I said let’s do this! Daddy and I had taken a birthing class and I had typed out my birth plan, I wanted to have you naturally, I knew I would want drugs but other than the epidural, I wanted it to be all natural. Yeah right! It all went downhill when I was getting set up with my IV. I hate needles and only tolerate them because I knew I had to have one. Well they stuck me two times in my right arm and then two times in my left before they finally got the IV in my left wrist, but that meant I couldn't move my hand which meant that I couldn't use that arm to move so there went my whole birth plan of using a ball and getting on my knees, right out the window!
  • By 10.15am had the IV and pitocin to get contractions going, and my water was broken by the Dr. but nothing was happening. When they broke my water it didn't hurt, it just felt weird like I was peeing myself and when I would move a little more would flow out.  Daddy, Grandma Suzy and Granny Z were with me waiting for you to come.
  • 10.45am I had started getting contractions, they weren't bad yet. Aunt Lindsey was there too, we were still just waiting around.
  • 11.45am my pain was at about a 3 or 4 not too bad but sure didn't feel good. Everyone left Daddy and me alone so that they could go get food. We just sat and talked, I couldn't believe that you were going to be here that day and I was going to meet you.
  • 1.30pm contractions were really bad, like ripping my guts out, I asked for my epidural and the anesthesiologist was just about to do it when he got a 911 page and ran out of the room! I was like you have to be kidding me! Another mommy needed an emergency c-section and they only have one anesthesiologist on staff at a time. The contractions were so bad I was crying and shaking, my nurse Lisa, gave me some IV drugs to take the edge off the pain, they were amazing, I still felt the contractions but not the pain! But we were having trouble getting your heartbeat on the external monitors so they inserted a monitor and attached it to your head so we could monitor you.
  • 2.45pm on the video we can hear Daddy saying it would take four more hours to get to ten centimeters. I finally got the epidural and was on O2 with a mask, I couldn't feel anything and felt really good and drugged, I could still kind of wiggle my toes but they were very tingly like when they fall asleep but before the sharp tingles. I remember thinking maybe he will be here by dinnertime.
  • 6pm The Dr. said you weren't tolerating labor well and we needed to do a c-section. Things moved very fast, they wheeled me out of the room and left Daddy to get his scrubs and a nurse would bring him to me. Grandma Suzy, Grandpa Mike and Granny Z had to pack up all our stuff because we weren't going to be going back to that room after you were here. The rolled me back to the surgery room, which was very scary for Mommy because Daddy wasn't with her, and put me on the surgery table, which was hard and cold. the room was white with bright lights and very cold. I remember my Dr. coming in saying let’s have this baby and the anesthesiologist making sure I was all numb. I kept asking where your Daddy was and telling them not to start till he was there. I was scared and nervous and excited all at the same time. The only thing I could see was the ceiling and the people that come over my head. Finally your Daddy got there and we could get started. It was a very weird feeling, they say it feels like pulling and tugging, I thought that was very vague, but having experienced it that’s exactly what it feels like. I started to get very sick, the medicine wasn't agreeing with my tummy, and I remember asking for a bucket.
  • 6.21pm You were born! When they got you out of me they held you over the curtain so I could see you and I remember thinking you had so much dark hair! And then I barfed. 
  • After you were born Daddy went with you to the nursery for your footprints and tests while I went to recovery. In recovery I remember just shaking and shivering but thinking about you and what you were doing. I was so happy Daddy was with you. After about an hour, when my shivering had mostly stopped, they brought you and Daddy in to me. It was so great to see you and hold you for the first time! You got your first bath from the nurse and then they helped me get you latched on to get something to eat.
  • We were in the hospital for 2 nights and 2 more days after you were born so Mommy could heal from her surgery. Daddy was a great help and changed all of your diapers and brought you to me every time I needed to feed you. We had lots of visitors and the days flew by, but after 2 nights on a sofa bed for Daddy, we were ready to go home and get settled in to a routine as a family.

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