Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Poop in the bath and other exciting events

This week has been amazing! I have been on a Vegan diet since October 1st as part of a cleanse to try to lose some weight. Its going well, I need to take vitamins, but all in all I'm feeling much better. I have been walking in the mornings with the neighbors, it's finally cooling off and 10 am is just right for walking. I have also been active with Scotty, story time at the library, meet me in Marana walks, play dates with other babies, grocery shopping, and mommy even got away for some much needed mommy time.

We have had some funny moments this week, Scotty pooped in the bath last night, it was so gross! He also has discovered the joys of feeding the dog his unwanted food and thinks its hilarious to drop it over the side of his tray onto the floor. We have also had a few trying moments, like when I tried to make gnocchi for dinner and it was a total FAIL! From now on I will buy it at the store and not try to make it, its not worth the time, energy or mess! Also when iv'e had a long day of cooking, cleaning, working out and playing with Scotty and I'm beat by 8 pm but little dude is wide awake and refuses to go to bed and Daddy isn't home to help. On the upside he slept like an angel and Daddy got up with him in the morning and mommy got to sleep in!

On a sad note, a friend lost her baby boy at 15 weeks. It breaks my heart for her and makes me scared to try for another baby, what if I experience the same thing? I hugged my little man a little closer and longer tonight before I laid him down for bed. I want to savor each and every moment with little dude and can't believe in just a few days he will be 1! ONE!!! Where did this last year go? I know I have taken about 10 million photos of him to document this year but it still feels like it flew by! I know I cant make time slow down, and in fact it will only keep speeding by faster and faster, all I can do is try to live in the moment and savor each and every second with my family. So with that I say goodnight, don't forget to tell your loved ones just how much you love and cherish them.

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