Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Poop in the bath and other exciting events

This week has been amazing! I have been on a Vegan diet since October 1st as part of a cleanse to try to lose some weight. Its going well, I need to take vitamins, but all in all I'm feeling much better. I have been walking in the mornings with the neighbors, it's finally cooling off and 10 am is just right for walking. I have also been active with Scotty, story time at the library, meet me in Marana walks, play dates with other babies, grocery shopping, and mommy even got away for some much needed mommy time.

We have had some funny moments this week, Scotty pooped in the bath last night, it was so gross! He also has discovered the joys of feeding the dog his unwanted food and thinks its hilarious to drop it over the side of his tray onto the floor. We have also had a few trying moments, like when I tried to make gnocchi for dinner and it was a total FAIL! From now on I will buy it at the store and not try to make it, its not worth the time, energy or mess! Also when iv'e had a long day of cooking, cleaning, working out and playing with Scotty and I'm beat by 8 pm but little dude is wide awake and refuses to go to bed and Daddy isn't home to help. On the upside he slept like an angel and Daddy got up with him in the morning and mommy got to sleep in!

On a sad note, a friend lost her baby boy at 15 weeks. It breaks my heart for her and makes me scared to try for another baby, what if I experience the same thing? I hugged my little man a little closer and longer tonight before I laid him down for bed. I want to savor each and every moment with little dude and can't believe in just a few days he will be 1! ONE!!! Where did this last year go? I know I have taken about 10 million photos of him to document this year but it still feels like it flew by! I know I cant make time slow down, and in fact it will only keep speeding by faster and faster, all I can do is try to live in the moment and savor each and every second with my family. So with that I say goodnight, don't forget to tell your loved ones just how much you love and cherish them.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

2012 in review

2012 in review

Just went for a short walk. Did .6 mile in 12 mins with the stroller and the dog. Gotta work up the distance but I feel great!

Scotty all dressed and ready to go!
Good morning! Let's play! In the jumper
Just took the dog on a walk with Scotty and I. Walked 1.5 miles in 30 mins. Now to cool off its HOT out today!

playtime on Elvis!
My baby wears imported Armani! Thanks Uncle Eric and Auntie Steph!
Scotty 2months 13 days and Jordan 12 days old
Kim & Zac you guys are such great friends, RJ and I are truly blessed that you are in our lives, what wonderful friends you are!! Can't wait to see you tomorrow at the Boobie Class!! YAY! :) BooooBies!

My man is up and dressed and ready to take on the day!
My big boy weighed in at 13lbs 7oz today!

Scotty slept from 10:30pm till 6:30am in his crib in his room! Such a good big boy!

Someone got all tuckered out playing!
Scotty and Austin
Thanks for having me over today, ur kids are HUGE! — with Leslie Ming.
Scotty slept from 11:30 till 7:15! Omg! I hope he keeps this up hes done it for the last 4 nights!
Napping in the car seat as mommy loads a million pictures to print at Costco
Got up at 6am to feed Scotty, he slept from 10-6, woohoo! But i couldent find the cat, open the door to Scottys room and guess whos waiting on the changing table? The darn cat!

Scotty is 3 months old today!
He's sad he has just about outgrown his favorite train jammies.

I'm sexy and I know it!
rock star baby
Laura, Christina and amy in town visiting tohono chul
Good morning world! Scotty weighs 15 lbs 10 oz, big boy!
Tucson dinner theater 2744 e broadway @7pm be at bar at el parador to get in. went for dinner and a show but it sucked! Do not go!

I Kim choose you Zac, as my husband, my best friend, my love for life. I promise to love you, adore your goofy personality, cherish our easy friendship, respect your unique talents, and lend you strength for all your dreams. I love you so much, enough to be needy and just be myself with you, enough to stay by you in the best and worst times and to spend my life with you. You are everything I need, and at this moment I know all my dreams have come true. — with Zac White.- our wedding vows for valentines day

Cloth diapers + poop - liner = gross!
Walked 1.32 miles in 27 mins.
Scotty has been napping from about 1:30, hes just starting to wake up. I think 2.5 hour for a nap is amazing! I got my kitchen cleaned, closet cleaned out, bathroom cleaned, laundry is going and now I'm just finishing watching Ellen. Today was a good day
look who holds his own bottle. Today I walked/jogged 2.62 miles in 45 mins with the dog and baby.
Why am I up at 6:30?! Scotty u know mommy likes it when you sleep in!

Hanging out with friends @ the fords house
Amy in town went to desert museam
Scotty had his 4 month check up, he is 17lb 1oz- 86%, 26.5 inches tall -92%, and 16.5 inch head -68%. We get to start solid food!
February 29 1st solid food was rice cereal with formula
Amy makes the most beautiful cakes!!!! — with Amy Greever andKim White.
Almost burned the house down, not really but boy is my house smoky! I burned garlic and while trying to fish it out and dump it in the sink I accidentally touched the hot pan to the plastic carrot bag and melted it to my pan! All is well now but boy was that fun! NOT!
Milk drunk! Good night!
Breakfast in bed! For my birthday!

Scotty, no jumping on the couch! Floating baby via photoshop. Mom tagged me in some old phoyos it was cool to see us when I was little like scotty
Scotty already a pro on the iPhone — with Kristi Smith.
Zacs cousin Julie is in town so we sent with mama z to TCB or lunch
Happy Birthday to my sister Kim White. The best part of having a big sister is that there's always someone older! Bahahaha Happy dirty 30 Kimmy
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, I had a great day!
Be jelly face book! This is where I live!
On a walk the pinstimenon were in full bloom
Today I walked 1.15 miles in 20 mins

Zacs been working on the yard. I have flowers in my planter now!
My cloth diapers drying in the sun
I tried that tortilla chicken soup you told new about, it was amazing. I added corn and black beans. Yummy. Thanks for the idea. From Ketura

Darn you smart phone for not remembering it's daylight savings time but that we don't do that Arizona! I'm an hour early!
Boyfriend Scotty trying too hold Genevieve's hand. So sweet. — with Kim White. With ketura at BF group
Apples and oatmeal, its whats for dinner
I can't believe it's been 2 years! Happy Anniversary Kim White andZac White! Xoxo Zac took me to maynards for a private chefs table with wine pairing it was AMAZING!
My boys watching tv
Baby carlos in walmart getting an umbrella stroller
Getting registered for the Race for the Cure tomorrow!
Komen 5k team — with Zac White and Tom Draft.
Good morning! I've had breakfast, a bath, naked time and lunch. Hmm what to do with the rest of my day?
Just walked 1.31 miles in 26 mins with scotty and the dog. Now its nap time!
Tomorrow at 6:21pm my baby will be 5 months old! How did this happen? He's getting too big too fast!
For all the moms out there! Your body is not ruined youre a goddammm tiger who earned her stripes!

Walked 1.31 miles today with Krista, washed and line dried the cloth diapers, went grocery shopping, got Scotty to nap for more than 30 mins and made dinner, I'm beat and I still need to clean up dinner, load the dishwasher, get a shower and put the boy to bed. — with Krista Anderson.
Happy birthday to the best little sister and auntie in the world! We love you! Kimmy, Scotty and Zac — with Kristi Smith.

Guess who rolled from belly to back this morning.... this guy!
Good morning Facebook!  We are home from vacation. I will post pictures later of our adventures. Had a great time visiting with family in Colorado and staying at the broadmore!

My cat is so good! Scotty loves Elvis! He loved to pet the cat and thankfully elvis will tolerate it for a bit then run away.

He really likes sweet potatoes, like he didn't miss a bite, no wasting food with this guy!
Scotty has rolled from back to belly on multiple occasions all when Zac and I were not looking. He just did it again, he was playing on his back I wax watching the news and I look over and hes on his belly! Hes gonna be crawling soon!

bananas in the mesh feeder, yummy but messy!

Scotty 6 months photos with diane

where's the baby? Oh there he is eating zucchini! On camo pants with a camo bib
mmm apple in the mesh feeder, yum-o!
Went shooting today, this is only 1/3 of the weapons we had. Note the zombie targets. Now time for a nap! Zero team shooting mom watched scotty dad came shooting with us, it was a blast!

my boys watching top shot
Happy Birthday Dad!!! — with Suzy Richardson and 2 others atTexas Roadhouse - Marana, AZ.
Rolling all over the floor! Oh no what are we gonna do now that hes mobile!

my baby can feed himself! With the green sippy cup
May 3 via mobile
So far today I have gotten up with the boy at 7am, did Insanity as he bounced in his jumper, made food, made hardboiled eggs for smacks later, done 2of 4 loads of laundry, gave Scotty a bath, and now hes down for a nap and I just might do the same.
Rocker baby! Got his hair up in a hawk!
May 7 via mobile
Scottys 6 month dr appt
As of his 6 month Dr appt Scotty is 21 lbs 15 oz and 28.03 inches tall.
Went to the zoo with granny z, was so much fun but a little hot!
look what somebody got today! He can only sit on the floor by the engine but soon he will climb aboard and ride it around the house.
May 10 near Marana
You got tickets to the gun show? — with Kim White and Zac White.
May 11 via mobile
Took a 2 hour nap with Scotty in my bed today, knew it was a bad idea because he didn't go down till 11pm! But it was the best nap all snuggled up with my baby.

May 12 via mobile
In preparation for mothers day I have shaved my legs, tweezed my brows and did my nails all while the baby slept! Now to relax so I can get ready to go out with my girls tonight!
fun with the 4-h girls
The best mothers day ever! Lindsey put us up in her hotel for a little staycation and we had a great time swimming, having dinner more swimming then mothersday brunch!
at the aquarium with granny z. 1st time ever to see fishes and he loved them!
went to IKEA and Scotty got a stuffed broccoli and carrot to play with. He loves his veggies! Momma is a baby food making machine! I love making all his food with fresh organic produce!
Scotty and Louis — with Amara Hudgin. The Hudgins came over for dinner then a movie in the community park. It was a blast and the boys have a great time playing. Louis is only 3 days older than Scotty
Grandma suzy and grandpa mike got a swing for their patio and sxcotty loves it!

You can see the eclipse in the solar flare.
May 21 attemoted to use the baby pool from my mom, it was soo small! We need one that mommy can get in too!

Mmm banana and naked time, soon to be bath time!

Bath time with dad! — with Zac White. Still using the baby tub but its in the big tub getting him ready fo when he uses the big boy tub

Michael Scott and Scott Michael. Grandpa and grandson.
mmm watermelon! And bathtime at grandmas!
Lunch with auntie and grandma
7 months old! Ye haw! Swinging at the community pary, I think we need to get him his own swing
May 28 near Marana
Grillin out with our fine friends and some poolside fun!!!! — withKim White.
playing with my food!

Zombie baby! He's trying to eat dads brains!
Great BBQ and now wine and a game of spades with great company!! — with Zac White and 2 others.
made more baby food. This only cost me $13 and 1.5 hours of my time and I have fresh preservative free food for Scotty.
Oh my gosh, it's GREEN in your back yard! Zac got Sod for the yard! Yay!
June 3 via mobile
Sitting playing with scotty on the floor, got distracted by the news only to be snapped back to scotty by him grabbing and trying to eat my big toe! Ewes crazy baby!
playing with dad Zac White
June 4 via mobile
i hate places that don't have a baby changing station!
Scotty grabbed the container of peaches and poured it all over himself in the highchair!
June 5 via mobile
My baby said his first word today. I spend all day home with him talking to him and guess what his first word was: DADA!

June 6 via mobile
Found a kitten in the middle of the road by my house today, he was still alive and I was on my way to take the dog to the vet anyway so I took him with me. Well 2 vets and the southern Arizona humane society all turned him down and would not take him! I finally had to take him to the pima county animal control dept. Where they took him but SD he will probably be put down. Poor little kitty!

Daddy had a conference in camp verde so we took a mini vacation up to Sedona, had a blast tooling around and seeing the sights. My Sedona has grown and gotten busy, I don’t like it!

My baby is getting so big! He just fed himself puffs and banana pieces, ate a bowl of cottage cheese and avocado, and is now drinking out of his sippy all by himself! And I think hes about 1day away from crawling.

Happy fathers day to my amazing husband Zac White! And happy fathers day to my dad Mike Richardson! You guys are the best! Stayed at parents house and BBQ
naked banana eating time! Fun! Now its bath time!
A tisket, a tasket, a baby in a basket! He doesn't know what to think.
Napping on mommy with Elvis the cat.

F me! A relay on the control board of my microwave is stuck and it won't turn off unless the door is open! Grrrr! Got it fixed and it only cost us $50

Hanging out with grandpa! — with Mike Richardson and 3 others.
I have the best husband in the whole wide world. He dances way better than Magic Mike. He's my magic Zac! Scotty loves Mickey Mouse! — with Mike Harrington and Rochelle Kahalnick.

Scotty is back in the saddle @Texas roadhouse uncle Jeff is in town and scotty celebrated his birthday for him
July 5 via mobile
Thank you to Zac White for making amazing BBQ yesterday, toBritini Medina and fam, Jessica Smith and fam, and Krista Anderson and fam for coming over to eat drink and blow up fireworks with us!
Look what i made! Now i can hang my makeup on the wall and not use any counter space! Made my makeup wall hanging
Alison Post he's my little rock star! In his potty like a rock star outfit from Alison
Bring on the rain!
Story time at the libraty with Louis!

I love Scotty he is the best dinner date when daddy is working late.

So I'm sitting on the floor and Scotty is standing looking at me and all of a sudden he puts his head on my chest for a hug..... and proceeds to motorboat me! ROR!

Mommy's bronc buster!
Riding his little horsey
First Ice Cream Cone at ikea with grandma and granny z, got stuff for his playroom now hes contained to one room!
Story time! — with Zac White and 2 others. The gangs all here! Louis Jordan and dad all at story time!
Today I did 4 loads of laundry, 2 loads of dishes, made 16 -4oz servings of baby food, cleaned the kitchen, made templates for my photo frames to hang on the wall and took care of Scotty today. And its only 5:30! I still need to make dinner, feed Scotty dinner, clean up and put Scotty to bed. Only 4 more hours till bedtime!
Look what I made!
Helped make auntie make a cake shaped like texas for a friend whos moving
Finally on a date with Zac White to see the dark knight rises! Yay!
I have had a productive day so far. I did a load of diapers, made 128 oz of baby food, emptied the dishwasher, fed Scotty breakfast and lunch and played with him. Now its 1:30 and he's napping and mommy is resting!
Just made another 84oz of baby food, emptied the dishwasher, started laundry and fed Scotty breakfast and lunch. All before noon!
Mmm enjoying good wine great friends and good movies!!! — with Rachel Paquette and Kim White.
Happy 9 months to my baby boy!
Scotty's growing too big for his bouncy!!!!! — with Kim White andZac White.
Look at my tooth!
Went and visited a friend for her birthday and went out for lunch. Then home so Scotty could nap and mommy could clean her master bed and bath. Now Scotty is up and wants to play!

Wanted to go to chick-fil-a but almost 2 hours to wait for food was too much with a hungry baby.

After 9 months of use its time to retire the jumper. He sure loved this thing but now he's exceeded the weight limit. Into storage you go for the next kiddo.

I'm not really standing, daddy just posed me like this. Standing in bed!
Today was a good day! Spent the morning being lazy at home with the hubs and baby, then to my parents to hang out and have dinner. Got a call to rescue a friends horses from the monsoon before they got drenched, well I failed, they did and so did I! Oh well they got to their stalls and I got my running in for the day. Now to get Scotty down for the night and head to bed!
All shopped out — with Zac White and Kim White. Laying in the cart at costco
Dinner date! — with Deniell D Wilkes. Scotty and ashlyn
Scotty 9 month stats - 24 lbs 11 oz and 30 inches tall.
Up at 6:30! I haven't been up this early in a long time, the things a girl will do to go horseback riding!
Great morning playing with the ponies!!! Thanks for the fun!! — with Kim White.
Had a blast today with Leslie Ming and the ponies! Now home to cool off and take naps!
Leslie Ming Scotty just slept from 2-5, we wore him out!

Good morning! I slept from 9pm to 9am!
Omg I am soo sore! I need to get back in shape! And round is not the shape I want to be in anymore!
At grandmas house playing with the baby in the mirror
awesome playdate today!!! Thank you everyone that came, and thank you my love for being grill master ;) — with Gaven Schugand 13 others.
Thanks for horsing around with me — with Leslie Ming.
Thank you Kim White for making and bringing dinner over! It was very yummy! So glad we have good friends and neighbors!!!!
Love you babe!
Just horsing around — with Leslie Ming.
Scotty is standing and pussing his train walker around, when did this happen! Hes soo big!
Just got woken up by a malfunctioning smoke detector. Boy that will get your blood pumping! Good thing Scotty is a good sleeper
Scotty planking at 10 months!
Bath time! When did he stop using the baby bath?! Now I need to teach him “sit down”
Heading out with no kiddo! Thanks for babysitting — with Mike Richardson and Suzy Richardson.
August 26 sink bath at grandmas!
Back to work Kidd and Kim!! — with Kim White
So glad I was able to catch up with Leslie Ming and Kim White! Hopefully 6:30am is my friend tomorrow. :)
Great lunch hanging with greAt company!! — with Zac White and2 others.
Leslie cantering in kyara in the big arena! Yay so glad I pushed her I knew she could do it!
Mmmmm dinner was yummy! An egg, some chicken, 1/2 banana, 1/2 avocado, 1oz zucchini and a hand full of grapes, boy was he hungry!

Fun with friends — with Zac White and Britini Medina. (6 photos) watched Donovan and lamaya for the day and had a great time!