Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2011 in review

This crazy journey that is parenthood began in March 2011.

  • March 4 2011 : It's my birthday and i'm pregnant! We went out to Joe's crab Shack for dinner with my parents and Zac's mom for my birthday and to break the news!
  • March 18 2011: 1 year anniversary Zac took me to the Ritz Carlton at Dove Mountain  I was disappointed in the food and service but had a great time celebrating one year with my amazing husband.
  • March 20 2011: I had my first bout of morning sickness- this sucks
  • April 1 2011: First sonogram, so excited to hear the heartbeat of our little bean! The wand thing she used was wierd, thank goodness a friend gave me the heads up on that!
  • April 28 2011: 2nd Doctor appoitment, went with my mom then lunch after at the Good Egg.
  • May 8 2011: Mothers day, my first (kinda) it was fun, cant wait till I can celebrate it for real!
  • May 21 2011: Gender test, it’s a boy 80% sure!
  • May 30 2011: Pool party at Pia’s to see Alison and Kachina. Ah swimming felt so good!
  • June 7 2011: 2nd sonogram to confirm it’s a boy!!
  • June 13 2011: Got the wall extended and back planter worked on. Now OD the dog has his own side yard to play in and wont dig up my plants!
  • June 16 2011: Fathers day, got Zac his first fathers day present, he was so excited
  • June 17 2011: Wall extension finished, Zac is happy to have a separate space for OD
  • June 18 2011: Jackson's 2nd birthday at the Tucson Children's Museum
  • June 27 2011: 3 days in OK for the Scott family reunion, it was hot and humid, thank god for the pool! I'm so excited that the next reunion Scotty will be running around with all his cousins!
  • July 4 2011: BBQ at our house and fireworks in the street! Zac smoked two pork butts and they were amazing! this is starting to become an annual tradition!
  • July 10 2011: Babies R us with my family to register for stuff. My moms house is ready for Scotty
  • July 11 2011: Aunt Lindsey helped clean out Scotty's room to get it ready for him. My husband is the best provider for our family. He has bought a new crib and a glider and ottoman for Scotty! Thanks to my sister the room is cleaned out and ready for paint, just that last step then we can load in the furniture and Scotty's room is ready for him!
  • July 14 2011: Day 2 of painting and were hoping to have Scotty's room all finished! 
  • July 18 2011: Had a good day today, went to the Dr. and Scotty is growing nicely. then went out to lunch with Zac and Mama Z, came home took a nap, now its nice and cool from the storm that came in but didn't let loose any rain, at least it blocked out the sun and cooled it off this evening. Now to take a walk around the neighborhood with the dog.
  • July 19 2011: Kid sitting today, so far we have watched Cinderella and now The Little Mermaid, I wonder if we will have any repeats today, I'm sure we will!
  • July 24 2011: Good morning!! Plans for the day: clean up the house a bit, go see Captain America, go to the store for steak, come home and bbq with the parents and work on the trains, planes and cars on the walls in Scotty's room.
  • August 1 2011: Went to California for the weekend with my family. Thank you to Mom and Dad for driving and Zac for putting up with my complaining on the drive home. No more trips for me till this kid comes, I don't think my lower back can take 8 hours in one position!
  • August 7 2011: Had a good day with my parents while Zac was at work, then a nice family dinner, now home to chill and head to bed!
  • August 11 2011: Baby Scotty is dancing up a storm, my belly is bouncing everywhere!!!
  • August 14 2011: "I've been working on the railroad..." well more like I've been supervising Zac working on the train art in Scotty's room. LOL!
  • August 15 2011: Doctor appointment at 9:45, pre-register at hospital for d-day, let insurance know were expecting and get Scotty covered. Wow its gonna be a busy day!
  • August 17 2011: Today I was up at 8:30 and we finished painting the train, tunnel and bridge in Scotty's room, I finished all the laundry, just need to put it away, went shopping, made dinner, emptied and reloaded the dishwasher and now getting ready to take the dog for a walk! Boy I'm productive when I wake up in the morning and don't sleep the day away!
  • August 18 2011: So far today I was up at 7:30 am, went for my 3rd sonogram, out to breakfast with Zac and my mom, took a nap at moms house and then watched Rachel Ray then headed to the mall to motherhood then Michael's for toppers for the diaper cake Lindsey is making me, then to Dairy Queen for some ice cream now home and its only 3pm!! I think I need another nap!
  • August 21 2011: Yesterday I was up by 8am to go to my moms house for the baby fair, big waste of time, went out to Eegees for lunch then to my moms house to relax till dinner time then went to Mr. Ks BBQ, it was super yummy but you have to stand in line cafeteria style to get the food, then home for a nap then out to be Zac's DD when we met up with some friends. Yes I'm pregnant in a non smoking bar drinking water till 2am.
  • August 23 2011: Zac and I have our first birthing class tonight! So excited and nervous at the same time. T-minus 8 weeks and Scotty will be here!! 
  • August 24 2011: Birthing class was fun, lots of stuff that I already read about, looking forward to learning some stuff I don't know in the next 4 weeks.
  • August 28 2011: Connors 5th b-day party at Monkey Business. It was fun to hang out with friends, by the next birthday party for the kids Scotty will be here to enjoy the festivities too!
  • September 5 2011: I am still so tired from yesterday! Grandma is nesting in my house! The soon to be grandparents came over for lunch and helped us knock out like 10 things on our to do list! But now I'm pooped and need a day of rest!
  • September 14 2011: Just a few more days till my baby shower! Can't wait to get together with friends and family and get pumped up for this little guy to come! After the shower just 1 more month and he will be here, I better get my nesting on! I think Scotty is excited for his shower this weekend, hes bouncing all over the place!
  • September 18 2011: Thank you to everyone that came to my baby shower, it was more like a baby monsoon! Scotty, Zac and I are very lucky to have such great friends and family!
  • September 20 2011: I was a crazy nesting fool yesterday. I did 8 loads of laundry, got all Scotty's things washed and put away, washed mom and dads laundry and got that all put away. Organised Scotty's room with all the new gifts we were given at the shower and made sure everything was ready. I do have a few last little things I need then we are all set for this baby to come! Sadly I missed all the new shows that came on last night, I just couldn't stop in Scotty's room!
  • September 24 2011: I'm ready for this kid to come as soon as hes ready!
  • September 25 2011: Good morning everyone! I'm getting ready to go into town and do some baby shopping with Aunt Lindsey and Grandma. Today was a good day. Got the last of the stuff ill need for this kid hopefully till hes 6 months at least! Now I'm so tired and still got to have dinner with the family.
  • October 1 2011: YAY!! Its October!!! Ill have Baby Scotty this month! OMG I can't wait!!! Did a pregnant photo shoot at moms, was a blast lots of boobs and belly!
  • October 4 2011: Going to the Dr for my 38 week appointment! Wish me luck!!
  • October 5 2011: got the MAMFs on FB! i love these girls and don't know what I would do without them. They give me information and insight and help calm me down when I freak out that I'm going to be a mom soon!
  • October 8 2011: I can't wait for a night out with friends tonight! Probably the last night out for Zac and I before baby!
  • October 10 2011: Had my Dr. appointment this morning, nothing happening down there, just gotta wait another week, then by golly I'm gonna make her strip me!!!
  • October 12 2011: Well I'm sick, runny nose, sore throat, cough and I feel like poop! Too bad I'm pregnant and there's not much I can take, no NyQuil, no Jack in my tea, just cough drops and regular tea with honey and time. I just hope I'm over this before Scotty comes!
  • October 14 2011: Just sitting at home waiting for hubby to come home from work. Dinner is done and dish washer is going. The house is mostly clean, well as clean as I'm gonna get it today. Now time for mommy to relax.
  • October 17 2011: Update: no baby yet but plenty of hip and back pain. Dr appointment in 1 hour, hopefully she has good news for us! Like im 6cm and have been having contractions and just didn't know it! LOL!! I must be dreaming! Had our Dr. appointment and I'm at 2cm and they stripped me so hopefully baby will be coming this week!
  • October 18 2011: I wish it was about 10 degrees cooler so I could walk more to get this kid out. And no more bouncing on my ball as the cat killed it last night. Maybe a walk this evening will get things moving! I have been on 3 walks today, used the curb to simulate stairs on one of the walks, did a load of laundry and dishes and cleaned the house a little, still nothing! Oh and Zac fixed my ball so Iv'e been sitting on that today too! Nothing!!
  • October 19 2011: Had RJ and Anna over for dinner. I'm 7 days before my due date & Anna is 6 1/2 months pregnant with baby Jordan.
  • October 19 2011: Went out for greek food for lunch at foothills mall, did a bunch of walking and window shopping, drove really fast over some speed bumps, still no baby on the outside. I know he will come when he's ready but darn it I'm ready NOW!!
  • October 20 2011: Went to lunch with mom and Zac today and walked the mall. Came home hung out with some friends for a bit, took the dog for a walk, took a shower and had dinner, still no baby. Oh well maybe tomorrow, or the next day or the next.....
  • October 22 2011: zombie walk downtown with the Zero Team. Walked over 3 miles and still no baby! But Amara did go into labor with Louis!
  • October 27 2011: Message from Zac: Sorry for all the late responses. Kim had to have a non emergency cesarean and things got a little chaotic. Both mom and baby Scotty are fine! See Scotty's Birth story for all the fun details!                                   
  • October 30 2011: We are finally home from the hospital! Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes, we are doing great! Now to just settle in to life at home with a new baby. 
  • November 2 2011: Scotty had a Dr appointment today, and mommy and daddy did 2 whole errands before coming home. Things are getting better here, settling in finally!
  • November 5 2011: 2 hours till we have to go to a birthday party, gotta get Scotty changed, fed, pump, get myself dressed, get Zac ready, get everything loaded in the car and stop to get a present! Were gonna be running today!!!
  • November 6 2011: So, I'm not real good about reaching out and contacting people right now. I had kinda a rough delivery and I'm playing the part of recovering shut-in. Please feel free to FB message, text, or call me. I will respond, and I like human contact, even electronic.
  • November 7 2011: Scotty loves me!!! He slept from 11pm till 2am, I fed him and he went back to bed from 4am to 7:30am, Zac loves me too because he got up at 7:30 to take care of Scotty and Mommy slept all the way till 11am!!! I feel so great right now!
  • November 9 2011: Busy day today, went to Kohls, out to lunch with Mama Z, to the breastfeeding support group (It was so great to see other mommies with their babies and hear that I'm not the only one having problems) Went grocery shopping and picked up Scotty's birth announcements, oh and did all the normal stuff around the house! I'm beat!! And tomorrow we have even more to do!!!
  • November 15 011: Scotty is sleeping and pooping at the same time! YAY!!! Diaper change time! Then to feed the beast and put him back down to finish his nap so mommy can hopefully nap too! Its sad that poop has become the highlight of my day!
  • November 19 2011: Had our first diaper blow-out! Mommy has to do laundry and Mr. Scotty got a bath it was that bad!
  • November 25 2011: Thanksgiving with the family at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Scotty hated getting changed into his special outfit.
  • December 3 2011: Just prepped dinner and cleaned the kitchen with Scotty strapped to my chest with the Moby. I love this thing!
  • December 8 2011: As of yesterday Scotty was 9lbs 15.5oz almost up to 10lbs at 6 weeks old!
  • December 19 2011: looking at Christmas lights — at Reid Park Zoo
  • December 20 2011: Got a new phone for Christmas/my birthday! So excited for once I have a cooler phone than Zac!
  • December 22 2011: Just got back from taking Scotty and the dog for a walk. I have dinner in the crock pot,  dishwasher has been emptied, house dusted and carpets vacuumed. I'm pooped!
  • December 22 2011: We have grown up just a tad from the days of 4-H and horse camp! Had Lunch with the 4-H moms and daughters. Ah memory lane.
  • December 25 2011: Christmas day! Good morning everyone! I hope Santa brought you just what you wanted! I have been spoiled rotten by my family. I'm so thankful to have my family here and that we are all healthy!
  • December 29 2011: Yesterday Scotty had his 2 month checkup. Hes now up to 12 lbs 1 oz! He got his shots and took it like a champ! Now were staying home and mommy is cleaning the house today.
  • December 30 2011: I hate it when I go out to eat and have leftovers and forget them on the table! So mad at myself for forgetting! And it was steak too!
  • December 31 2011: Had everyone over for new years and fireworks. 

Happy New Year!!!